Monday, March 7, 2022

No Death Here

When the veil of perception 
between inner and outer 
Melts away,
There is no death here,
Only the ever living and the eternal!

Always in Relationship with Ourself

As your consciousness 
becomes aware of its inherent Oneness
with all Life.

Your heart awakens to a world where everything 
is a continuous living relationship 
with itself.

Imbued with this Unified perception 
Love, compassion, tolerance, respect and courtesy 
flow naturally.

The barriers between 'self and other' 
become a thin veil
we can see through. 

When barriers of 'Self' fall away

When the barriers of "self" fall away
Inner and outer worlds dissolve.

There arises a Unified perception
Where all is Consciousness 
and Conscious.
"Inner and outer" become a living continuum 
Where imminence and transcendence mingle as One.

Where the One knows itself as many,
and the Many knows itself as One.