Monday, February 20, 2017

You Know This

Sometimes the wisest action
Is no action!

Act - Don't React

To act instead of react,
Requires a pause
To seek the cause.

Breath In
Breath Out
To the same count!

Stay Cool in the Crowd

To stay cool in the crowd
Hold at bay reactions and judgements
As dogs on a leash.

To Act Harmoniously

How does one act harmoniously?
By rising above distinction and differences
To find a common core.

To Maintain Harmony

To Maintain Harmony
One Must Act Harmoniously!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Lotus Heart

Let my heart open to the Divine Light,
as the Full Moon to the Sun.

Moon's Light

Let my heart reflect the Divine Light,
As the Full Moon reflects the Sun
Amidst the darkness of night.