Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Change: Refresh or Stress?

Small Changes are Refreshing,
Large Changes are Stressing.
Break Large Changes
into Small Steps
and be Refreshed!

Change Needs Purpose

Small change driven by a clear Purpose
Is more Powerful than
A large change Without.

Evolutionary Change

As a change starts to become routine,
its time to look for its successor!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Attract and Manifest

Discover what you are (mediation),

Then align your wants with that (this is the work of living with mastery), 

Then gradually you begin to attract both what you are and what you want(this enables you to manifest your power for good in the world).

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Sun of Awakening

As a flower naturally Awakens
to the Embrace of the Sun,
Your Heart naturally Awakens
from from the Embrace of Life. 

Achieving Awakening - Not!

You cannot achieve Awakening
because Awakening Never Ends!

No Goal

What is the goal of Awakening?
There is no goal
But there is a Purpose!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

3 Essential Skills

There are 3 essential skills in life:
The ability to let-go 
requiring acceptance and surrender;
The ability to hold-on 
requiring strength and focus;
The ability to know what to do when 
requiring insight and wisdom.

Awakening is Hard Work

Awakening is hard work, it never stops pushing once it sees its spark in us. It gives us challenges but also gives us the strength to meet them; When we do, a new door opens in our awareness of life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

60 Breaths

Morning ZaZen

29 Minutes of Monkey Mind
01 Minute of Silence
But those 60 breaths were glorious!

Open Doors

It takes but one step
To walk through an Open Door;
Look for the Open Doors in your life!

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Mystic Knows

You will change your life
by changing the way you breathe.

Breathing Heart

Your heart beats
to the rhythm
of your breathing.

A Condition of Breath

All Life is Breath.
The condition of our life
Within and Without
Will show itself in our breath.

Detatchment in Life

Be Detached in Life
Enough to serve
But not get burned out.


Asking Forgiveness
Does not absolve us from the Karma of our actions,
But it opens the door!

Absolution from the effects of our actions will come only when we change how we act.

In the language of Faithful this is called repentance.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Cutting Through the Law of Cause and Effect

What force has the power to sever
an Effect from its Cause ?

Forgiveness and Mercy,
Combined with a Pledge to Change!

True Compromise

Every disagreement has at last two sides;
Only when each cares to understand the perspective of the other
can true compromise be found.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

To Find Good People

To find good people
Find a good cause;

If you find a good cause,
you will always find good people.


Mark those moments well
Not Acting is more powerful than action
Not Speaking is more powerful speech.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fight for a Just Cause

To Fight for a Just Cause
Is not a
Self-Centered Act
It is exactly the opposite!

But what is a "Just" cause?


Is the root cause
of all Conflict.


Selfless thoughts and actions
Are a Beacon of Light
Illuminating Life.

Degrees of Enlightenment

The more Enlightened one is
The more they see others
as themselves

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Angels Come

When we are Shattered
Angels of Compassion and Guidance
Come to help us
Through that Dark Night.

Healing a Broken Heart

The Healing of a Broken comes
As we express Compassion
Toward Others.


The reason we are shattered
Is to Be Reborn.

Caring Heart

The Gift
Of an Open Heart
Is a Caring Disposition.

Awakened Heart

An Awakened Heart
Is born
From the pain of a
Broken Heart.

Friday, August 2, 2013

To Be Who You Are

To BE Hu you are,
Act according to your Conscience.

Serve Somebody

All the knowledge, wealth, and power
in the World,
Is of little value 
If not used to serve others!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Truth Exists

Truth Exists!
The Mind perceives its facets,
The Heart eats it whole!

Monday, July 29, 2013

You Cannot Change Others

You cannot change others,
But in changing yourself
Others will Change!

Your Life Boat

In the flow of Life
Making small changes in
Thought, Word or Action,
Is how we steer our Life-Boat!

Moment by Moment

Life is lived
Moment by moment;
Every moment presents an opportunity
To manifest our Ideal.

Life Responds to You

The way you experience Life,
Lies in your response to it;

Life responds to you the way
You respond to it.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Small Moments

Each time we Recognize
Small Moments of Joy in our Lives
We strengthen them.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Two Track Heart

The heart holds 
Both joy and pain,
To the heart 
they are not mutually exclusive.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Green House Tomatos

Physical Labor after Dark
Sleeping during the Day
Tastes like green house tomato's -
Not in harmony with the natural rhythm of life.

The Flow of Life

Incubation - Winter
Birth - Spring
Maturation - Summer
Fruition - Autumn;

Such is the immutable cycle
upon which all activity in life flows;

Herein lies a the secret to fulfillment.

Wisdom of the Ages

There is an inherent wisdom
that comes with ageing;
if we do not accept our aging
we cannot claim this wisdom.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Actualize Hidden Potential

The only way to actualize hidden potential,
Is to step outside the walls of our comfort zone;
Life will open the door to these opportunities,
but we must walk through!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Watering Seeds

When you see more in another
than they see in themselves
and treat them that way,
They grow!

Thoughts are Things

What you think,
Manifests in a thousand ways!

Make it So

If you can't think it,
You can't do it;
If you don't think it,
You won't do it.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

The 4 Seasons

When the energy of Rebirth embraces life,
Ecstasy arises;

When the energy of Ardor embraces life,
Growth arises;

When the energy of Fullness embraces life,
Joy arises;

When the energy of Peace embraces life,
Stillness arises.

And behind all this is Love.

Your True Self

It cannot be found by seeking,
It can only be found by Being.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Hide and Seek

Seek it,
It cannot be found;
Fail to seek it,
And it will never be found.
What is it?
Your True Self.

Why am I seeking? I am the same as he. His essence speaks through me. I have been looking for myself.

There is a Place

There is a Place
You desperately want to go,
That can only be reached
by going no where.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Take out the garbage,
Clean out the attic,
Dust off the mirrors,
Open the windows!
Take a Deep Breath

Smell the fresh air of freedom
blowing through your Heart!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What to Do

If you can't find something new to do,
Do something old and make it new.

Protect New Ideas

A New Idea
Is a sprouting seed,
It must be protected until it is strong enough
to stand on its own.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dancing Breath

The Rhythm of your Breathing
Reflects the Rhythm of your life;
The Rhythm of your life
Dances to the Rhythm of your Breathing.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Go with the Flow

Going with the Flow
does not mean we don't take action,
It means we act in harmony
with circumstances.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


No kind act
however small
Goes unrewarded

No Malicious act
however small
Goes un-repaid

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Right Action

Right Action
Breaks the conditioning of the past
The pre-configuration of the future!

A Paradox of Life

Our future is shaped
by the actions we take today;
The actions we take today
are conditioned by the past.
This awareness alone leads to freedom!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Light like Water

Light, like water, slips into the small cracks and gaps opened in our heart by pain, empathy or surrender. 
Knowing or unknowingly we awaken!

Oh Divine Mother

Oh Divine Mother,
Giver of all Life;
Give to us your Wisdom and
That we may give to others.

Desire to Give

The desire to give
is the first step in giving;
and in giving
we always receive.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Person of Conscience

Everyone has a Conscience.
Some are deaf to it,
Some choose not to listen.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Before Ever you Were Born

You were born on Earth with a purpose,
behind that purpose is your Divine Inheritance - those divine qualities that make you unique in all the world.

It is these soul qualities that inspired you to be born before ever you were born.

A Divine Expression

Actualizaing your purpose in life
will be good for self and good for others,
for it is a Divine expression
as we are Divine children.

A Symphony of Purpose

Your individual purpose
is an instrument within the dynamic symphony of Divine Purpose.

Without Love

Without Love
Nothing would exist!

Finding Fulfillment

Your purpose in life
is that
which when acted upon
gives you a sense of fulfillmet,
contentment and joy.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Give when you can,
Serve as you can,
That is enough for God.

Ya Karim - Ya Ghani

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

There are People Hiding in Your Aura

There are people hiding in your Aura.
Those you think about,
Those that think about you.
You are connected to them,
They are connected to you.
You feel what they feel,
though you think its you;
They feel what you feel,
thought they think its them.
This is the mirror nature of consciousness.

Friday, January 18, 2013

In Small Moments

In those small moments, when we sit waiting
at stop lights, on phones, in waiting rooms, bath tubs, buses, planes, or trains;
 Gently breathe into your heart the majic sound Hu
and God will BE with you -
even once will due.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Breathe in Harmony

Every cell and molecule in the body breathes,
their harmony dependent upon 
the rhythm of your breath.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Seeing Soul

To know itself, the Soul
must find its reflection,
by turning within.
This is Meditation.

Soul Mirror

Your Soul is a mirror
that sees everything
but itself.

Holding the Soul

The body holds the soul 
tighter than a baby holds its bottle,
until it looses its grip.

Life on Earth

Life on Earth is but one step
In the evolution of our Soul.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Walk Tall

When you walk, WALK TALL;
Shoulders back, Head up;
Heart Radiating light like the Sun.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Breath is Life

Breathing is not Breath;
Breath is manifested in Breathing;

Breath IS Life; 
Breathing is its reflection;


All illness and decay
is caused by stress;

Learn to Relax!


Balanced Breathing,
Balanced Life.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winter's Rapture

Cradled in the silence of a Winter's Day,
What Nostalgia is this
that lures a mystic heart
into the depths of rapture.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Breath of Life

Breath is movement;
Therefore everything in Life is Breath. 
To understand life deeply, learn to watch the breath!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ask Yourself

Ask Yourself: What am I happiest doing?
Then answer with that action.